Sónar 2024 Edition

TT 2024 ++
  1. Albert.DATA
  2. Ana Roman
  3. Cibelle
  4. gavcloud
  5. Llyr x Lindred x
  6. Noah Pred
  7. Portrait XO x Ali M. Demirel
  8. rTchAd x Levy Lima x Portrait XO
  9. The Glad Scientist x Tom Guida
  10. Torsten Goerke
  11. Yawä//Zē


    Temporal Tide —
    1. Temporal Tide translates critical data into audiovisual narratives, spotlighting the complexities and interconnections of global challenges. Aimed at fostering dialogue, it calls for awareness, reflection, and collective action toward a sustainable future.

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    3. Cibelle Cavalli Bastos

    [F****d] Digital Labour - Avoiding Algorithmic Death One, 2024

     "[F****d] Digital Labour - Avoiding Algorithmic Death One" by Cibelle Cavalli Bastos is a profound exploration of the pervasive influence of algorithmic behavior and platform capitalism. This piece critiques the mechanisms of emotional extractivism that trap individuals in cycles of unpaid labor, driven by the fear of losing social connections, job opportunities, and ultimately, their livelihoods. From a non-binary feminist perspective, Bastos examines not only financial disparities but also the emotional and psychological impacts of digital feudalism.

    Engagement algorithms perpetuate systems of oppression, biases, and corrupt relationships, pushing users into transactional connections for visibility. This cycle accelerates patriarchal conditioning, causing emotional mutilation. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok commodify user engagement, driving individuals to perform continuously for visibility and validation. This relentless pursuit of digital relevance leads to a fear of "algorithmic death," compelling users to conform to algorithmic expectations and behaviors, essentially blackmailing them into feeding these engagement algorithms.

    By dissecting these dynamics,  "[F****d] Digital Labour - Avoiding Algorithmic Death One" exposes the mental health crisis exacerbated by such pressures. It advocates for conscious and critical engagement with digital spaces and calls for legislation to protect users and redistribute social media giants' profits to those who contribute their engagement, creativity, and behavior—the essence of their digital lives.

    The piece also addresses the implications of large language models (LLMs) and the labor involved in training them. When users correct these models, they perform unpaid labor that benefits the companies offering these services. Meta’s recent introduction of a nearly hidden “opt-out” option for Meta AI highlights the need for user-friendly opt-in choices with fair compensation.

    Bastos holds hope for decentralized social media platforms that reward users with tokens. However, the artist remains cautious, acknowledging that deeply ingrained social conditioning may hinder the dismantling of top-down structures in the near future. The suppression of content not aligned with social media companies' interests, such as Pro-Palestine content on Meta’s platforms, further exemplifies how these systems exacerbate socio-political issues and restrict fairness and justice.

    By reimagining our engagement with digital technologies, we can envision a future where our digital and social lives are governed by principles of authenticity, empathy, and well-being.  

    Digital Labour - Avoiding Algorithmic Death One will be part of the Sound Obsessed exhibition at SONAR+D 2024, where art, technology, and activism converge to highlight the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

    Data Highlights

    User Data Collection and Monetization (SDG 8, SDG 9, SDG 12): Social media platforms like Meta (Facebook, Instagram), TikTok, and Twitter commodify user interactions for profit by monitoring and collecting extensive data on user activities, preferences, and behaviors. This data is utilized to drive targeted advertising and other monetization strategies, reflecting a form of digital feudalism where platform owners reap substantial financial benefits while users provide labor—through engagement and content creation—without direct compensation. In 2022, Meta generated $116.61 billion in revenue, primarily driven by ad sales leveraging user data.

    Wealth Disparity (SDG 1, SDG 10): Platform capitalism results in significant wealth concentration among social media moguls. This economic model enables a few individuals to amass vast fortunes at the expense of the broader population. For example, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, had a net worth of $85.2 billion in 2023. This disparity is mirrored in the fortunes of other tech giants, underscoring the inequities where a small elite controls substantial resources, similar to feudal systems, while the majority have limited access to wealth.

    Mental Health (SDG 3): Algorithm-driven engagement on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter can lead to significant mental health issues. These platforms are designed to maximize user engagement through algorithms that promote addictive use patterns, resulting in increased stress, anxiety, and other mental health problems. Studies indicate that around 30% of Facebook users report experiencing mental health issues related to their platform use. The pressure to maintain visibility and relevance online exacerbates these problems, contributing to a growing mental health crisis.

    Unpaid Digital Labor (SDG 8, SDG 3): The exploitative nature of unpaid digital labor on social media platforms is evident in the countless hours users spend creating content, interacting with others, and maintaining their digital presence—all of which benefit the platforms financially. However, this labor is largely unpaid and unrecognized, reflecting a modern form of feudal obligations. The continuous extraction of unpaid labor underscores the exploitative nature of platform capitalism, where platform owners reap disproportionate benefits. This dynamic highlights the urgent need for more equitable digital practices that prioritize user well-being and fair compensation over profit.


    Mx. Cibelle Cavalli Bastos is a non-binary artist whose multidisciplinary approach has seen them perform and exhibit globally. Born in São Paulo, Brazil, and now based in Berlin, Bastos has released four internationally acclaimed albums under the moniker "Cibelle." Their dynamic performances have graced stages such as Carnegie Hall, at the behest of David Byrne, and the Montreux Jazz Festival. Bastos' visual art has been showcased in notable venues, including Martin Gropius Bau, ICA London, and during events like SXSW and Transmediale. Recognition for their work is evident in their nominations for prestigious awards, such as the Frieze Artist Award in London and the XR Experience Award at SXSW in Austin.