Sónar 2024 Edition

TT 2024 ++
  1. Albert.DATA
  2. Ana Roman
  3. Cibelle
  4. gavcloud
  5. Llyr x Lindred x
  6. Noah Pred
  7. Portrait XO x Ali M. Demirel
  8. rTchAd x Levy Lima x Portrait XO
  9. The Glad Scientist x Tom Guida
  10. Torsten Goerke
  11. Yawä//Zē


    Temporal Tide —
    1. Temporal Tide translates critical data into audiovisual narratives, spotlighting the complexities and interconnections of global challenges. Aimed at fostering dialogue, it calls for awareness, reflection, and collective action toward a sustainable future.

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    2. Ana Roman


    3rd Gender Recognized

    Describes the legislation status of the right to change legal gender. This is the legal recognition of sex reassignment by permitting a change of legal gender on an individual's birth certificate.

    Tertium Genus .001
    Ana Roman, 2024

    Tertium Genus .002
    Ana Roman, 2024
    Sonified Data from countries where a 3rd Gender is recognized. As of 2023, many countries still do not recognize a third gender, reflecting varying levels of acceptance and understanding of non-binary and gender-diverse identities. In these countries, legal documents such as passports and national IDs typically only offer male and female gender options, excluding non-binary individuals. This lack of recognition can lead to challenges in accessing services, legal protections, and social acceptance. Countries without third gender recognition include much of the Middle East, parts of Africa, and several nations in Asia and Europe.

    Tertium Genus Reina
    Ana Roman, 2024

    Conversely, more countries are recognizing a third gender, showing growing acceptance of non-binary identities. In India, over 5 million people identify as hijra and other non-binary genders. Germany's "diverse" gender marker, introduced in 2019, is increasingly used, with thousands opting for it. In the United States, around 1.5 million adults now identify as non-binary. Argentina's non-binary ID option, added in 2021, has been utilized by thousands. Countries like Australia, Canada, and Nepal also report rising numbers of people registering under third gender categories. This legal recognition is vital for the rights and acceptance of non-binary individuals.

    Data Sourced from: Data Page: “Third Gender Legally Recognized”, part of the following publication: Bastian Herre, Pablo Arriagada and Max Roser (2023) - “LGBT + Rights”. Data adapted from Equaldex from https://ourworldindata.ort/grapher/third-gender-recognition-equaldex (online resource)


    Conversion Therapies, 2023

    Therapies attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity included. They can entail counseling,drugging, electric shocks, castrations, or brain surgery.

    Tercero Conversos Trinidad
    Ana Roman, 2024
    Sonified Data of countries with cohersive and unjust conversion therapies. As of 2023, several countries continue to allow or practice conversion therapies, which aim to change an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity. These practices are widely discredited and condemned by major medical and psychological organizations, including the the World Health Organization, due to their harmful effects, such as increased risks of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Conversion therapy is still legally practiced or not explicitly banned in parts of the United States, particularly in states without specific prohibitions, as well as in various countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. 

    Duo Conversos Final
    Ana Roman, 2024

    In nations like Nigeria, Kenya, and Indonesia, conversion therapy remains prevalent due to strong societal and cultural pressures against LGBTQ+ identities. Reports indicate that thousands of LGBTQ+ individuals in these regions are subjected to conversion therapy each year. Additionally, religious groups in some countries actively promote and conduct these practices. The lack of legal restrictions and ongoing societal stigma in these regions perpetuate the use of these harmful practices, underscoring the urgent need for global advocacy and legislation to protect LGBTQ+ individuals from such abuses.

    Data Sourced from: Data Page: “Third Gender Legally Recognized”, part of the following publication: Bastian Herre, Pablo Arriagada and Max Roser (2023) - “LGBT + Rights”. Data adapted from Equaldex from https://ourworldindata.ort/grapher/conversion-therapy-equaldex (online resource)


    Ana Roman has spent the past two years deeply involved in creative technology, generative arts, and music technology education. As an independent workshop facilitator, teaching artist, generative arts consultant, and creative technologist, they have collaborated with MIT Media Lab, NYU Clive Davis Institute, Betaworks NYC, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Soundial, 343 Labs, Sound Collective, and Savannah College of Art and Design. Their work intersects gender, AI ethics, and creative technology, extending beyond traditional educational roles.

    As an independent researcher, Ana integrates their findings into their generative arts and sound project entitled Skulptor, exploring gender, tech, avatarization, queering AI, data rights, and AI's impact on human identity. They have crafted syllabi and lectured on topics such as The Avatarization of Humanity, Generative Arts as Liberation, MIDI: The Language of Electronic Music, and Generative Harmonies: Demystifying Human Creativity in the Age of AI. In 2023, Ana performed Live A/V Immersive Generative Art and Live Coding at the Refraction Festival as an Artist in Residence.

    Ana's skills include AI ethics, generative arts tools, Max for Live, Creative Coding, and Ableton Live. They hold a Bachelor's Degree in Media and Political Studies from Hunter College, an MA from The New School, and a Certificate in Digital Arts and New Media Design from the Fashion Institute of Technology. Additionally, Ana has certifications in AI Ethics, Data Science, and Robo-Philosophy from Goldsmiths, University of London, underscoring their commitment to ethical and innovative practices in creative technology and art.

    As of June 2024 Mixmag premiered Roman’s  single ‘feltthat’ ( Skulptor ) for Air Texture’s IYKYK Label Compilation.  Listen Here:

    Skulptor’s Mixmag Premiere